Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quinoa Pilaf with Squash and Tofu

Quinoa with squash, tofu and tahini sauce
 Our first butternut squash from the garden.
Peel and chop squash into bite-sized pieces.  Spread out on a sheet pan and add a measure of olive oil and seasoning.

Cube a drained container of tofu and add to sheet pan with olive oil and seasoning.  I like a rosemary-garlic blend.

Bake in a 400F oven, turning one in a while, until cooked through and starting to brown.   This will take approximately 45-60 minutes, depending on the moisture of the squash and tofu.  I like mine nice and dry and chewy.

For the sauce, blend about 1/2 cup of tahini sauce with a few tablespoons of lemon juice, rosemary garlic or other seasoning same as the squash, garlic, dash of hot sauce, salt and pepper.  I ran mine through a blender for smoothness but a quick whisk is fine too.

While squash and tofu are baking, rinse a cup of quinoa under running water and add to 2 cups of boiling water in a pan on the stove.  Continue to simmer gently, while covered, until water is absorbed and quinoa is plumped and fluffy and tender.  Remove from heat and keep covered until ready to use.  This only takes about 20 minutes.

When squash and tofu are nice and caramelized, add to quinoa and serve with sauce.  About 4 servings.
Quinoa, squash, tofu, sauce AND granola!


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