Kathrin's Art

Photo of Kathrin taken and edited by friends
Kathrin is both fickle and creative.  She doesn't seem to stick with one creative outlet, rather slowly moving through one form of art to another...I thought she would stop at knitting but them moved on to quilting, painting, origami, etc and than back to knitting with plastic grocery bags!.....who knew.....

Kathrin is also the one who makes this blog's header photos possible - she's amazing. 

I'll just keep posting her art as she keeps reinventing herself.  The newest stuff is right under neath and as you scroll down, you'll go back in time.  Kathrin's email addres is kathrin.larsen@gmail.com

6.  Hair DoDads:

Kathrin's newest creations are hair accents made from smashed up computer discs and grocery sacks

5.  For the last while, she's been concentrating on videos...she may be the next M. Night Shyamalan .  Kat and a group of kids from her Brit Lit class did a reenactment of Macbeth's third scene.  Kat did most of the filming, editing, art and sound.

Kathrin, second from the right, with the Macbeth Players
4.  Knitting with plastic grocery sacks.  The material is called "plarn" - plastic yarn.  Isn't that clever!

why stop with a purse when you can knit a plastic hat

Second purse with some refinements.

First little purse.

3.  Spray Painting

A 36X36 graffiti art project

Graffiti art when Kat was 13 years old - this won a second place ribbon
2.  Quilting
A gorgeous sampler quilt that Kat made when she was about 10 years old

1.  The Ann Arbor District Library had it's first Annual Peeps Photo Contest in 2010 and Kathrin won first place in the high school age category with Napoleon Bona Peep http://www.aadl.org/node/35717
