Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Favorite Kitchen Tool

We are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary.  And what did we give ourselves?  Why a blender of course.  But not just any blender - a Vitamix 5200!

I have 3 favorite recipes so far - a spicy vegie tomato drink, a totally organic whole wheat bread, and instant strawberry ice-cream. 

We've owned the Vtiamix 5200 for a few weeks now and I've used it almost every day since it arrived. 

My mother always told me that a present doesn't have an electrical cord but I'm pretty sure for this event and present, she might be wrong.  Not a lump in a drink and icecream in 30 seconds. 

Vitamix almost instand strawberry icecream
Place 1 cup milk in machine, add 1/2 cup sugar, and 16 ounces of frozen strawberries.  Start machine on Varibable speed 1 and increase quickly to 10 and then switch to High.  This should only take about 30 seconds, when the machine sound changes, stop machine and enjoy.  4 servings at 100 calories each.

More of my favorite recipes to come.


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